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Home / Oregon Marijuana News / Portland Company Launches First-Ever Marijuana-Infused Fragrance

Portland Company Launches First-Ever Marijuana-Infused Fragrance


A unisex fragrance including essential oils from marijuana is now available in Oregon. The fragrance does not contain THC. It’s called Imeon, which is Hindu for the Kush mountain range between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The strain of marijuana used to create the fragrance is Purple Hindu Kush, according to KGW 8 News. The Portland-based company, Olo, is known for its unique blend of ingredients. In Imeon, the terpenes from the marijuana strain are used as well as frankincense, tobacco and lemon.

The fragrance is the product of a brainstorming session between the owners of Olo and Quill. The new perfume was a year in the making.

The perfume is described as smelling woodsy and warm with hints of lemon. The makers call it “elegant”.

Ian Shaughnessy of Quill said, “It’s for someone who’s interested in fragrance first off. This is not geared toward a cannabis person, it’s actually geared towards someone who enjoys a nice fragrance, enjoys smelling nice and feeling nice.”

Jonathan Sielaff of Olo Fragrance said, “We’re usually not trying to make fragrances that are room fillers. We want to make something where someone gives you a hug and you’re like ‘oh my god, you smell great’. There’s still a lot of trial and error, where you’re adding one ingredient because you think it’ll work, but it’s too much, so you make another blend with a little bit less.”

One bottle of Imeon costs $95. It’s available at the Olo Fragrance store in Portland at 1407 SE Belmont.