Hemp-derived concentrates in Oregon can now have up to 5% THC. Some hemp crops in the state exceed the federal maximum THC allowance of 0.3%. This new rule provides an additional cushion so that those crops are not going to waste.
Concentrates include tinctures and extracts, The Register-Guard reported. This means that the concentrates can contain up to 50 mg of THC per container. Previously the limit was 10 mg of THC per container.
The Oregon State University Global Hemp Innovation Center Director Jay Noller said, “This provides an out for those hemp crops that exceed the federal limit. They will have an additional market.”
Concentrate products containing the increased amount of THC cannot be sold anywhere but in Oregon.
Steven Crowley, the OLCC Hemp and Processing Technician, said, “Marijuana tinctures, extracts and concentrates may contain up to 1,000 milligrams THC per container, so the new limits on the hemp versions of these products are still only a fraction of what the equivalent marijuana item can have.”
Crowley also said, “Most whole hemp tinctures seem to contain 20 milligrams to 40 milligrams THC along with several hundred milligrams of CBD.”
For Oregon hemp concentrates manufacturers, this is good news because crops that were producing more than 0.3% THC couldn’t be used. Whole plant medicine wasn’t possible.
CEO of God Medicinals Brie Malarkey said, “What it allows us to do is stay true to whole plant herbalism. We can maintain being certified organic because the naturally occurring levels of THC that are present in the hemp plant would still be allowed in there.”
Malarkey also said, “We can’t use CBD isolate, which is using harsh chemicals in many practices to isolate it down into a single molecule. You’ll see a lot of CBD-only product companies out there that are really promoting high CBD content and zero THC, and that’s how they can get closer to that, because they’re not taking the whole plant.”
Rules regarding hemp edibles stay the same. Hemp edibles cannot contain more than 10 mg of THC per unit, which is further broken down to 1 mg per serving.