The New Mexico Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of a medical marijuana patient that was injured on the job, ...
July, 2015
April, 2015
10 April
Nevada Voters To Decide Whether To Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol
The Nevada legislature is expected to let voters decide whether to regulate marijuana like alcohol which would make cannabis, or marijuana, ...
March, 2015
18 March
Nevada Lawmaker Proposes Medical Marijuana for Pets
On Tuesday, Nevada lawmaker Tick Segerblom (D) proposed a bill in the state legislature that would grant ailing pets access to ...
December, 2014
14 December
DOJ: Native American Tribes Can Grow and Sell Marijuana
New federal policy will allow Native American tribes interested in cultivating and selling marijuana to do so, as long as they ...
4 December
Minnesota Announces Growers & Dispensaries
Two companies have been chosen to be responsible for growing the medical cannabis, processing it into pill or liquid form and ...
3 December
NY Postal Workers Arrested in Marijuana Bust, 129lbs Siezed
The U.S. Department of Justice has announced that Federal agents arrested 8 U.S. Postal Service workers in Bethpage, New York in ...
2 December
AZ Could Make $48 Million Per Year Taxing Legal Marijuana
According to an analysis by the Arizona State Legislature, the state could generate an additional $48 million in revenue each year ...
1 December
D.C. Council Moves Ahead with Legalization
Three weeks after voters in Washington, D.C., overwhelmingly voted to legalize marijuana in the nation’s capital, the City Council approved legislation ...
November, 2014
20 November
Arizona Medical Marijuana Patients Are Being Unfairly Treated in DUI Cases
Medical marijuana still creates a lot of controversy in Arizona. But Valley DUI attorney Craig Rosenstein says what’s happening now is ...
20 November
Marijuana Arrests Are Falling In New York City And Across The Country
In 1992, when Americans elected a president who said he had smoked pot without inhaling, the number of marijuana arrests in ...